Basteln mit kleinkindern herbst

9 Pins
Kastanien Bastelideen Halloween, Craft Club, Craft Table, Nature Crafts, Easy Crafts, Kindergarten, Pins, Quick Saves
Kastanien Bastelideen
the instructions for how to make an orange jack - o'- lantern with acrylic paint
DIY Halloween Deko selber machen - Leuchtende Kürbis Lichter | DIY Blog | Do-it-yourself Anleitungen
the spider is made out of chocolate and candy
Spinne basteln - Ideen und Bastelvorlage
pumpkin jars with faces carved into them and the words, happy halloween in different languages
DIY Halloween Deko selber machen - Leuchtende Kürbis Lichter | DIY Blog | Do-it-yourself Anleitungen