Basteln, Taufe

197 Pins
Gießharz & Gießbeton kaufen: Zum Reliefgießen Basteln & Formen
Schritt für Schritt zu einer zart-schimmernden Leuchtkugel aus Beton, welche sowohl als Dekoobjekt für innen als auch außen genutzt werden kann. Kreativbeton ist besonders staubarm, so kann man auch im Raum mit dem Beton arbeiten und formen. #DIY #Anleitung #Craft #Tutorial
DIY Paper Medallions
DIY Paper Medallions diy crafts easy crafts diy crafts party decor diy flowers easy diy diy party decorations craft flowers paper crafts origami teen crafts crafts for teens
DIY Plastic Bottles Toys
Learn How To Turn A Plastic Bottle Into An Adorable Owl...
Hey Chickadee! by catcrazy - Cards and Paper Crafts at Splitcoaststampers
Love those button birds
Button Tree Art - All Gifts Considered
Button Tree craft. My Grandmother kept a jar of buttons. Always adding to it as she took apart a shirt and created something else with it. Those buttons she found around were added to the jar too. That jar is one of two items I gotbafter she passed away. What a great to memorialize those buttons!