Produktdesign & Verpackungen

68 Pins
Mẫu in hộp giấy đẹp 2018 | Xưởng in hộp giấy Ngọn Hải Đăng
Mẫu in hộp giấy đẹp 2018 | Xưởng in hộp giấy Ngọn Hải Đăng
Love the idea of a soap sleeve going all the way to the ends, then secured in place with a simple ribbon and label
Elegant Apothecary Branding
Elegant Apothecary Branding - Reorient Tonic Packaging Looks for Inspiration from Old East (GALLERY)
SEO Specialist / Strategist
beeline honey jar and label packaging design
Harrods Honey Label - Keyrin Kaswira
Harrods Honey Label on Behance steht zum Verkauf ·
Berliner Brandstifter Gin 0,7 Liter |
Årets bedste gins – 2014
Njord Gin. Photo by Michael Sperling.
Lysholm N52 Botanisk Aquavit - OlssønBarbieri .
Art direction, branding and packaging for Lysholm N52 Botanisk Aquavit on…