Optical Frames

Sama Eyewear | Hiro | Prescription Frame | Rx | Luxury Eyeglasses
Sama Eyewear | Hiro | Prescription Frame | Rx | Luxury Eyeglasses http://samaeyewearshop.com/products/hiro #SamaEyewear #optical of the month for #september2014
#samaeyewear #optical of the #month for #February2015" #district2 in #crystal/ #horn
#samaeyewear #optical of the #month for #january2015: "#Addison in color #mauve http://tinyurl.com/ol2t5z3
#samaeyewear #optical of the #month for #november2014: "Ava" in color #black http://samaeyewearshop.com/products/ava
#Specs of the #month for #may2014: #samaeyewear #josette in color #black/#cream
Sama Lifestyle
Sophia in Color Blush
Sama Lifestyle
Sophia in Color Blush
We are proud to carry Sama Eyewear! Each purchase supports the Sam Vance Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is to prevent drug use and help drug addicts get the help they need. Stop in today to try on this beautiful frame! #Samaeyewear #icarefamilyvision #shoplocal #stlouispark #independenteyewear #nowopen
#samaeyewear Optical of the #month for #december2014 : #1989 in color #black#gold
#specs of the #month for #march2014: #Aiden in color matte/#beige