Frauen Bilder Kriegerin

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The Horned Goddess by Lovell-Art on DeviantArt
The Horned Goddess
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J'adore celle ci, et l'on retrouve pour la premère fois une teinte verte. Le masque marche très bien, et l'on retrouve ton idee animale.
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MEDICINE WOMAN Listens to the needs of her truest self and wisest voice Trusts and respects herself with tenderness and grace Heals in the present by walking through her past Believes in herself and her enduring inner strength with a divine awareness Imagines her goals and moves toward them using her resources and creativity Celebrates her years believing her inner and outer self is beautiful just as it is Loves herself and values the friendships of other women in her life ~Melinda Rodriguez
Beautiful Character Drawings by Alex Pardee for Zack Snyder's SUCKER PUNCH
Suckerpunch art by Alex Pardee