Wikinger Kleidung

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Forsøg på rekonstruktion af Birkakaftan. Bemærk at stilen er meget stærkt orienteret mod øst. Resten af grejet bør passe til dragten!
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Great blog on this woman's Kostrup Viking Apron Dress (by Ragnvaeig, via Flickr). Other Viking themed entries.
Viking Coat
Proposed caftan pattern. This might work for the Birka coat I plan to make sometime.
Norsman (his name is Trogher) Viking dress has been made by "Skupaya Khel'". Vikind dress, viking style.
Object from the exhibition We call them Vikings produced by The Swedish History Museum
Textile fragment. Grave find, Björkö (Birka), Adelsö, Uppland, Sweden. 34000: Bj944. In the Historiska Museet, Stockholm.
Viking and Wolfhounds! A Hiberno-Norse themed photoshoot in Moscow with Irish Wolfhounds... - Kira Hagen
Viking and Wolfhounds! A Hiberno-Norse themed photoshoot in Moscow with Irish Wolfhounds… | Kira Hagen
Color photos of Skjoldehamn tunic. Below link leads to the Facebook gallery of archeological textile finds, and modern reconstructions.
I can't help thinking that all this bling was for ceremony and burial, not for everyday wear. Sure you might want your knife and pouch to hand, but what a lot of clutter! Saxon
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Absolutely STUNNING Norse garb with fantastic embroidery and card weaving. All on a beautiful blog in a language I... can't understand. Sigh. EDITED TO ADD: This gets repinned a LOT with my original comment, so make sure you check out Nille Glæsel's viking clothing books if you are interested in these reconstructions.