Sojourn + Nourish Your Soul

Produckte für deine innere Stärke und Erdung. Unsere Nourish Your Soul Kollektion bietet dir Raum, um dich wieder mit dir selbst zu verbinden und innere Stärke zu finden. Die Kerze mit mehrfarbige Turmalin schützt dich vor negativen Energien, während die warmen Düfte von Neroli und Tonka deine Seele umhüllen. Mit Schmuckstücken aus Bergkristall, Labradorit und Schwarzem Turmalin findest du emotionale Erdung und spirituellen Schutz.
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Sojourn Nourish Your Soul Collection
Schutz und Erdung für die Seele. Es gibt Momente, in denen wir uns besonders emotional gestärkt und geerdet fühlen müssen. Die Nourish Your Soul-Kollektion gibt dir die Unterstützung, die du brauchst, um dich auf dich selbst zu besinnen und deine Seele zu nähren. Der Labradorit fördert dabei die Intuition und verleiht einen Hauch von Magie, während der Schwarze Turmalin als dein persönlicher Schutzschild dient und negative Energien fernhält. Der Bergkristall unterstützt spirituelles Wachstum und Transformation, indem er Klarheit und Reinheit in deine Gedankenwelt bringt. Unsere „Nourish Your Soul“-Kerze mit Mehrfarbigem Turmalin, Neroli und Tonka begleitet dich sanft auf deinem Weg zu mehr emotionaler Erdung.
Nourish Your Soul 350g precious scented candle with tourmaline gemstone powder
Our Nourish Your Soul candle accompanies you on a gentle journey to inner balance, nourishes the soul and unfolds a gently protective energy. Gemstone powder: Natural multicolored tourmaline. Fragrance notes: Neroli & Tonka. Vessel made of copper-plated metal. 350g candle made from coconut and rapeseed wax with cotton wick. 60 - 65 hours of light. Candle handmade in Austria's oldest soap and candle factory. When our candles burn, not only the natural scent is released, but also the energetic power of the gemstones. Sometimes the gemstone powder in the wax develops its own dynamic and gently changes the color of the candle - a fascinating sign of the natural uniqueness and authentic interplay of the materials. Each candle is therefore unique and makes the connection to nature and its elem
SO+ Nourish Your Soul Labradorite Bracelet
Natural Labradorite Gemstone Bead & 925 Silver Beads with Cord Each SO+ bracelet is refined with two iconically shaped silver beads and a unique gemstone bead. The shape of the silver beads is based on the natural depression in your palm and symbolizes that it is in your hands to actively ensure your wellbeing. The labradorite gives this bracelet its special energy: It promotes the imagination, improves sleep and ... brings a little magic.
SO+ Nourish Your Soul Black Tourmaline Bracelet
Natural Black Tourmaline Gemstone Bead & 925 Silver Beads with Cord The SO+ bracelet is refined with two iconically shaped silver beads and a unique gemstone bead. The shape of the silver beads is based on the natural depression in your palm and symbolizes that it is in your hands to actively ensure your wellbeing. The black tourmaline gives this bracelet its special energy: It serves as your personal protective shield and keeps negative energies away.
Nourish Your Soul 350g precious scented candle with tourmaline gemstone powder
Our Nourish Your Soul candle accompanies you on a gentle journey to inner balance, nourishes the soul and unfolds a gently protective energy. Gemstone powder: Natural multicolored tourmaline. Fragrance notes: Neroli & Tonka. Vessel made of copper-plated metal. 350g candle made from coconut and rapeseed wax with cotton wick. 60 - 65 hours of light. Candle handmade in Austria's oldest soap and candle factory. When our candles burn, not only the natural scent is released, but also the energetic power of the gemstones. Sometimes the gemstone powder in the wax develops its own dynamic and gently changes the color of the candle - a fascinating sign of the natural uniqueness and authentic interplay of the materials. Each candle is therefore unique and makes the connection to nature and its elem