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Perhaps the most intriguing photo purporting to show the North Polar opening into the Hollow Earth, this one taken by the American space station Skylab in 1974—but not released to public view until 2006, and then only because it was leaked to the Internet. This one is so crystal clear it even seems to show sunlight from the so-called ‘central sun’ emanating from within. Once again, from NASA: ‘No comment.’
The Door To Hell, Uzbekistan: The story goes...One day a group of geologists were drilling in search of gas, suddenly they found an underground cavern, and it was so huge and deep, that all their equipment and dwelling site went deep under the ground, no one dared to go down there since the cavern was so full of gas, they decided to ignite it to prevent poisonous gas to escape the hole...it's been burning for 35 yrs. without interruption. Very mysterious indeed.
The Lochnagar mine. An explosive-packed mine created by Royal Engineer tunnelling companies, located south of the village of La Boisselle in the Somme département, detonated 0728, 1.7.1916, 1st day of the Battle of the Somme. The Lochnagar mine, along with a neighbouring mine north of the village known as the Y Sap mine, contained 24 tons of ammonal. At the time these mines were the largest ever detonated.
Hell #2
Víti Crater in Askja (Iceland) formed in 1875. The water is warm enough to swim in.
Russia - one photo per post
Romeiko crater near Tunguska, Russia. Still no trees after over 100 years from the meteor air impact site.
Quebec, Canada - Lake Manicouagan is the result of one of the largest identified asteroid or comet impacts on Earth. It is thought to have formed about 212 million years ago. This happened when an approximately 3.1 mile-diameter asteroid crashed into Earth toward the end of the Triassic period. Some scientists speculate that this impact may have been responsible for the mass extinction that wiped out more than half of all living species. This natural color Landsat 7 image was collected on 2001
A moulin on Gulkana glacier
Gullfoss, Iceland. The Great Waterfall.