Indus Valley Civilization

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Antiques (US)
Indus Valley Bi-Chrome Pottery Cup
Indus Valley Jar - GDC.001 For Sale | | Classifieds
Indus Valley Civilization Pottery | Indus Valley Jar - GDC.001 - For Sale
Example of the amazing pottery made in Harappa. They were very skilled at crafting their own works of art.
harappan civilization
harappan civilization - Google Search
The piece was found in Harappa in 1993 and is visible in the Harappa Museum today. "Painted dish portion from a dish-on-stand. The black-on-red painted decoration is arranged in panels that are divided into four sections. Two peacocks are depicted on one side, and a many-branched tree with short leaves is painted on the opposite panel section. Between these two motifs are multiple lines of loops with circle-and-dot designs and hatching which totally fill all of the empty space.
Large Indus Valley Polychrome Jar, Nal Culture, Period II, C. 3200-2700 BC
Large Indus Valley Polychrome Jar, Nal Culture, Period II, C. 3200-2700 BCThis is a very rare jar from the small Nal Culture that flourished in the northwest region of the Indus Valley. The Nal Culture, along with the Amri, produced some of the finest pottery ever made during the Indus Valley Civilization. While increasingly more and more people have heard of the Indus Valley and its ancient civilization, very few have heard of the smaller towns and cultures such as the Nal that predated the...
Barakat Gallery Store
Indus Valley Terracotta Vessel - LO.1287 Origin: Western India Circa: 3500 BC to 2000 BC Dimensions: 6.1" (15.5cm) high x 7.50" (19.1cm) wide Collection: Asian Art Medium: Terracotta
Barakat Gallery Store
Indus Valley Civilization Terracotta Vessel - LO.513 Origin: Pakistan/Western India Circa: 3500 BC to 2000 BC
Indus Valley Polychrome Jar, Mehrgarh,  c. 3300-1700 BC
Ancient & Medieval History - Indus Valley Polychrome Jar, Mehrgarh, c. 3300-1700 BC A bulbous terracotta vessel with painted polychrome design of geometric panels, two flying birds and two feeding birds
Indus Valley, Harappan Pottery Cup, C. 2700 2400 B
indus valley pottery | 192: Indus Valley, Harappan Pottery Cup, c. 2700-2400 B