
128 Pins
Wachstücher selber machen aus Bienenwachs oder veganen Produkten
#Wachstücher selber machen und Bienenwachspastillen über einem #Tuch verteilen
DIY Bienenwachstücher selber machen - zwei Methoden - Yeah Handmade
DIY Bienenwachstücher selber machen - zwei Methoden • Yeah Handmade
Unpaper Towel DIY (They Are Reuseable!) (A Beautiful Mess)
Wiederverwendbare Küchenrolle
Wachstücher und Wachstuch-Brotbeutel. Ganz leicht selbst gemacht.
Wachstücher und Wachstuch-Brotbeutel. Ganz leicht selbst gemacht. | Blog Feed | Bloglovin’
15 things to start making instead of buying - A little Rose Dust
Store bought items from food, cleaning supplies and cosmetics come pumped full of chemicals and wrapped in plastic. Two things that are dangerous to both us and to the environment. A way to cut back on our chemical and plastic intake is by creating our very own items! I'm showing you 15 things to start making instead of buying. Click through to read the full list! #ecofriendly #lowwasteliving #chemicalfree #toxinfree #sustainableliving #zerowaste #plasticfree #alittlerosedust
Berliner Manufaktur - Buntstifte + so
Find Decor Bamboo Damp And Dry Flat Mop at Bunnings Warehouse. Visit your local store for the widest range of storage & cleaning products.
Passion - Sexy Personals for Passionate Singles
Home Made SOLID DISH SOAP hilaydays blog DIY GREEN kitchen
Travel Spork & Cork Carrying Pouch - tiny yellow bungalow
Travel spork and cork carrying pouch.