Tipps Handarbeiten

26 Pins
The Weavers Knot…….how to tie
I ran across this page in a very old weaving book. The is the knot that is used in the spinning mill to join yarn when it breaks while being spun. The advantage being that it is very secure and the…
Bucket Tote free sewing pattern - Sew Modern Bags
Free sewing pattern and full photo tutorial for this fully-reversible bucket tote bag. I'm making some in nursery fabrics as baby shower gifts - handy and they hang up too.
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Why have regular floss bobbins when you can have elephant floss bobbins? Make your own animal floss holders to keep your cross stitch supplies organised
Keep Your Hooks Happy with 10 Free Crochet Hook Case Patterns!
Star Hook Case - free crochet pattern.. 10 different cases.. so many to chose from!
30 Cheap And Brilliant Dollar Store Hacks
Pencil grips make crochet hooks more comfortable.
9 Great Ways To Organize Your Crochet Hooks With Style
Crochet Hook Basket. // ***WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!! ♥A... (Put in Sewing, too!) A
Simple Yet Stunning Crochet Button Flowers
Easy Crochet Button Flowers for beginners . Free pattern--> http://wonderfuldiy.com/wonderful-diy-easy-crochet-button-flowers/
My Virtual Sanity: Recycling Sweaters for Yarn
How to unravel sweaters for yarn. Thrift store, here I come.
Крючок из зубной щетки. Обсуждение на LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
crochet hook out of old tooth brush tutorial;P
Crochet Hook Hybrid
Conver a pen into a hook handle! Tutorial by chalklegs