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Samurai.. "I look at this man, and my soul tells me we have already met.. and to remember my honor and duty". WFH..
PC2314 - Hanwei Dragon Samurai Helmet - $0.00
The original of the kabuto (helmet) of the Dragon Armour is interesting inasmuch as the bowl of the helmet came from the Momoyama period. The suji bachi style of bowl, with overlapped and riveted plates was typical of the finest helmet makers (katchu-shi) of this period, borne out by the signature of the Saotome smith ''Ienao'' on the back plate. The menpo (mask) is a typical ressei men of the type made in Nara.
A Kabuto is a helmet used with traditional Japanese armor usually worn by the samurai class.
C0006045 金魚鱗小札二枚胴具足 - 東京国立博物館 画像検索
Ornate gusoku armor, 17th century. The turban shell kabuto is coated with gold leaf. 金魚鱗小札二枚胴具足 時代: 桃山時代_17c -Tokyo National Museum-
【日本クオリティ】素晴らしすぎる江戸時代の甲冑「天狗当世具足」職人こだわりの造形に『和製』の源流を見た:DDN JAPAN
Armor with the features of a tengu (tengu tōsei gusoku), by Kiyotoshi, Munekiyo, and Ryūsuiken, late Edo period, 1854. The astonishing helmet of this armor represents the head of the menacing creature tengu (karasu tengu) with its characteristic beak, golden eyes, and striking eyebrows. The chest armor and sleeves imitate human muscle structure. Atop the helmet is a small black hat resembling ones worn by mountain warrior-monks (yamabushi), practitioners of Shūgendō.