
10 Pins
This may contain: two white pumpkins sitting on top of a moss covered tray with berries and pine cones
DIY Herbstdeko: Betonkürbis
Difficulty: Easy Material • Betonestrich oder Zementmörtel oder Bastelbeton • Äste • alte Nylonstrümpfe oder Strumpfhose • Kleber (Heisskleber oder besser noch Sekundenkleber)
Diy Chrismasdecor🎅
Check out the link below If you are still looking for an cute chrismas decor on amazon Would support me a lot ❤️ Credits: blumenparadiesmichaela
This may contain: a bowl filled with flowers and candles on top of a wooden table next to a white cabinet
Schale aus Holzscheiben
Difficulty: Easy Material • Luftballon • Holzscheiben • Heissklebepistole • Holzleim