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7 Pins
Rechnen lernen mit Ronald Rechenwurm. (Lerngeschichte Addition)
Rechnen lernen mit Ronald Rechenwurm
Number Words Rap (a song for spelling number words)
Numbers in the Teens (They Start with a 1) (song for kids about teen numbers) - YouTube
Tiny Mathematicians: Singing Addition Facts for +1's
Simple video songs for memorising basic addition facts.
Adding to Ten- Ways to Make Ten with My Doggie 10!
The Friends of 10 (Ten Frame Version) - YouTube
Videos that Teach Subtraction
Introducing students to the concept of subtraction can be fun and interesting! We have compiled a list of videos that... Read Post
Adding and Subtracting (song for kids about addition/subtracting)
Adding and Subtracting (song for kids about addition/subtracting) - YouTube