
Samhain tree
Samhain tree honoring ancestors. What a wonderful addition to an Ancestral Altar.
Samhain - A Thin Veil
Nature Bound Pagan: Samhain - A Thin Veil. Everything you could possibly want to know about the Celtic holiday behind Halloween.
Beltane May Day Celebration Festival Pentacle. Garden / Tree Decoration. Sabbat Decoration. Handfastings / Weddings. - Etsy
Beltane May Day Celebration Festival Pentacle. by PositivelyPagan
The White Witch Parlour
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How To Make Ribbon Wands In 5 Minutes
Ribbon Wands - A Fun and Easy Kids Craft Idea by Somewhat Simple
I’ve been looking everywhere for these symbols…I saw them once in passing & was never able to find them again…so this is amazing! <3 Happiness :D
Celebrate Beltane Beltane is one of the eight Sabbats that we celebrate. This holiday has some of the tratitions from the Gaelic Bealtaine traditions with lighting bonfires. It also has a bit of resemblance to the German May Day celebrations for our May Pole traditions. On Beltane we celebrate the beginning of summer, fertility, passion, and ritual with bonfires and May Pole dancing. It's a day to honor life. The name Beltane translates to "bright fire", the "bale-fire".
Recreational Witchcraft
Ribbon Spell - Write your intentions on ribbons and tie them to a tree. Letting them be released by the wind to the universe. Blessed Be | www.ancient-wisdoms.com More