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Sobrado com revestimento de madeira - Projetos de Casas, Modelos de Casas e Fachadas de Casas
Sobrado com revestimento de madeira
Fotos de Decoração, Arquitetura, Design de Interiores e Construção | homify
ESCADA COM JARDIM : Corredores e halls de entrada por Patrícia Azoni Arquitetura + Arte & Design
fun with “Accent” lighting, you can use to emphasize certain aspects of your room and add drama. Even tho yr table lampsdo this, is great to bring in more. Custom shelving with integrated lighting is striking. Niche lighting is fantastic at highlighting displays adding depth to a room with the play between light and shadow on the objects. A great and affordable way to bring focus to a corner is a display of the light up twigs, another fun thing 2 add is fairy lights n glass bowl
50 moderne Treppen, die Ihr Interieur völlig verändern können!
Podesttreppe Granitstufen Glasgeländer Stahlhandlauf Einbauleuchten #modern #stairs
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Escada com jardim | homify
ESCADA COM JARDIM : Corredores, halls e escadas modernos por Patrícia Azoni Arquitetura + Arte & Design