
27 Pins
Stylingtip | Slaapkamer (Lisanne van de Klift)
These colours are so natural and warm whilst also contrasting each other. Loving the woven basket light and the girl with the pearl earring piture. This is artistic and modern decor but also feels very cosy.
Shift Interiors
Pineado por H A B I T A N 2 Decoración handmade para hogar y eventos null
Best Of: IKEA Malm Series Hacks — Corbin Interiors - Brooklyn Interior Design
Bedroom Design
⇜✧≪∘∙Sydney Shepherd ∙∘≫✧⇝. I love the little shelves, great place to store little trinkets and useless stuff I buy online instead of putting them on my work desk and they don't take up a lot of room.
Great Spaces: Shift Interiors Office - Western Living
DIY Floating Corner Shelves
Super easy tutorial to build DIY Floating Corner Shelves... Each shelf uses only $40 in lumber. The braces are created using 2x4 and wrapped in inexpensive but beautiful pine boards. You can find the free plans and full instructions and tutorial at!
We Heart It
this is a dream bedroom right here.