Jugenstil Wiener Werkstatt

48 Pins
Programmaboekje Rika Hopper-Theater, omslagontwerp: Gerard Vroom (1928)
Art Deco programma’s | Anno1900
Design is fine. History is mine.
Design is fine. History is mine. — Die Fläche (The surface) designs for art, posters,...
Moriz Jung | Conversation between Mutes (Gespraech zwischen Stummen) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
“Gespraech zwischen Stummen (Conversation Between Mutes),” a postcard by Moriz Jung, published by the Wiener Werkstätte, 1907.
Eric Robert Nolan, Author
Koloman Moser. Austria (1868-1918)
Ex Libris Argentina: Koloman Moser. Austria (1868-1918)
Design is fine. History is mine.
Design is fine. History is mine. — Die Fläche (The surface) designs for art, posters,...